Nov 7, 2009

Saturday Morning

at 6:56 AM
At 9am, i have to go to my office (working on Saturday), to pick up my bos ("mamma"), and then take her to Cabinet Division, JPM, Putrajaya...

Yesterday "mamma" and "pappa" asked me to go to JPM this morning by myself(which Is Saturday) to get the draft of meeting minutes Of 'mesyuarat jemaah menteri' and read the minutes to them... and they will justify that...and done...I asked Mrezz to go with me to JPM...and he said "ok dear".

Around 6pm yesterday, suddenly "mamma" call me.
"...(some talking)..I tak senang hati la biar you pergi sorang-sorang..Tomorrow you pick me up at the office, we go together there"

and i reply her "ok, puan", no comment...

canceled my plan with Mrezz..and new plan for mamma..
but dont worry dear, after lunch, i'll spend my time with you..
but this morning...mamma's time..

Mamma Mia!!!!



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