Hye Semua~~
Korang pernah dengar tak MAGZTER - Digital Magazine Store!!
Tapi saje la aku godek-godek emel aku, then ternampak emel Padini,
"Exclusive Blu Inc Media Promotion
For Padini Membership Card Holders
Select up to 2 free issues from the following digital
magazine titles by Blu Inc Media - Female, Nuyou, and EH!
This offer is valid from 1 April - 30 June 2013,
and while stocks last."
Tros aku subscribe!!
dah dapat 2 mag free for 3 moths...ni tengah baca la nih...hehehehhehehe....
RM2000 melancong ke Korea (Seoul) dan (Gangneung)
September 2019 hari tu, kitorang ke Korea Selatan ...
Bertiga... beli tiket flight dua minggu sebelum berlepas. Kerja gila nama
Tiket flight.. Air...
5 years ago
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