Feb 2, 2009


at 7:58 PM

A relationship breakup (or otherwise simply known as a breakup) refers to the ending of a relationship, typically a romantic one. A breakup can vary from casual to emotionally traumatic.

Breakups can occur for innumerable reasons, including conflicts in personality, lifestyle changes, a breach in a mutual code of conduct or attraction to a different person. A breakup that is decided upon by only one person is commonly referred in English to as dumping.

In psychology, there are several models that attempt to explain the trajectory of the breakup or dissolution of a relationship.

One such theory for dissolution can include Lee's (1984). According to this theory, there are five reasons why, over time, a relationship "breaks down":

  1. Dissatisfaction — partner/s become dissatisfied.
  2. Exposure — the problem/s becomes apparent to both parties.
  3. Negotiation — a solution is negotiated.
  4. Attempted resolution — solution is applied.
  5. Termination — if the solution does not work/there are no other solutions.


Anonymous said...

setiap masalah, ada jalan penyelesaiannya.. terpulang pada kita samada ingin mengambil jalan panjang atau ringkas... dan setiap keputusan tidak semestinya disebabkan rasa hati.. ikut hati mati.. ikut rasa, binasa.. ikut nafsu, lesu.. jadi ikutlah akal fikiran anugerah Tuhan...


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